History of P.M.A.C

Pakistan Martial Arts Center  (karate , wrestling)

In martial arts there are many different styles are playing e.g

  • Kungfu
  • Bodu
  • ​Judo
  • ​Karate
  • ​Nnjitsu
  • ​Hpkidu
  • ​Sumo ​etc.

Some of the styles ware very populered by the time. The most masters introduce their own styles but did not get any development. Every style main aim was make better self defense. mostly the styles are introduced by china, korea and japan.

But P.M.A.C Style was introduced in PAKISTAN by Dr.Sir Rizwan Ali in 14th january 1991. In this institute, training is given to make a good player and human being.

​​​Master & Dr.Sir Rizwan Ali

​​​​​Founder & Cheif of P.M.A.C karate wrestling.

He was born on 14 january 1973 in salamat pura lahore pakistan. His father was also a good player of martial arts so hi decided to teach karate to his both sons. In 1978 in rawalpindi, Dr.Sir Rizwan Ali was 5 years old family went to maskat dman.

He continued his training in martial arts daily Dr.Sir Rizwan Ali trier to understand the philosophy of all the styles of martial arts and joined different kinds of club. He traveled in ten different countries to learn all the skills and philosophy of martial arts. He get training from no. 1 masters of martial arts in the world .

For example learning from Shaolin Monks.

He tried to understand the philosophy of martial arts he got phd (philosphy degree) in martial arts and get red belt the highest, dangerous and aducated belt in martial arts later he write the book on martial arts and introduced his own style PAKISTAN martial arts center free style karate wrestling sand also write about early styles of martial arts later he also got the degree of homeopathic medical science and became a medical doctor. 

He made a club in Taj Mahal park Salamat Pura Lahore and made a head quarter of P.M.A.C he spend every penny of his life to made his club on those days he was the father four children and his was not running well so he tried to get some kind of job unfortunately no relative helped him so he got the job in five star hotel as security comando SSG by now he has traind almost 9000 students some of them are very popular in martial arts most of them are thes champions and are in many good fields of jobs every style has a different fighting style some styles have soft traning e.g

  • taekwondo
  • shotokan ets

And some are hard training e.g

  • kyokushin kaikan etc

But in P.M.A.C there are soft trainings and also very hard training Dr.Sir Rizwan Ali learnd all this styles and after it he thought to teach all this style to his students so he introduced a new style on 14th January 1991 his 18th year birthday and base the P.M.A.C in starting he teach basic techniques of martial arts to his students he his the chief instructor of this game and he son
Kamran Rizwan who was black belt 2nd dan and world’s youngest black belt was the club instructor Dr.Sir Rizwan Ali noticed that many of his students are very talented so he thought that some hardworking and practice make his students a good player and they shine the name of their country martial arts is not only a game but also are for good self defense in which weapons are also being used so he also introduced this weapons in his style through martial arts aperson get some physical fitness but also get a good & sharp mind and became a sharp & smart person en a common person also teach the students about spiritual exercises and teach the students that the do the good behavior to the others our motto is


In our institute all the rules are strickly observed the five rules of P.M.A.C are following

(1) understand the philosophy of martial arts

(2) do respect and have respect

(3) use it only for self defense

(4) respect your club belt

(5) develop self control


The permission for opening the club is only for black belt (Qualified instructor).  Except black belt no one is allow to give the training of martial arts. If the black belt was not available in club then the green belt or the upper belt player is allowed to train his juniors in this training the body building is also allow for students except those who are smaller then 18 year in club jokes a busing over smarting and reset discussing is not allowed and the training with wearing jewels lockets and watches is not allowed before the training white uniform is wear and every work is do with the permission of the senior special classes are done in 24 hours a day in the evening all students wear their uniform except this the free training are also given we introduced it is the color of peace through this uniform a player feel that he is a peaceful player and do not harms others there is a shirt, trouser, and a belt in a uniform.

So if you want to know more than join our club of P.M.A.C (H/Q).

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